Dodgers play first game of Spring against the Giants

The Dodgers will be playing their second game of the spring today at 1205PM from Glendale Arizona. This will also be the first televised game of the spring on Prime Ticket. The game will also be broadcast on the MLB network. This will be the first game against the Giants this year. The first of many games against our hated rivals. The Dodgers released the starting lineups for this afternoon’s game, and we have a similar lineup from yesterday. There are a few notable changes.

Dodgers Lineup Gordon6 M. Ellis4 Kemp8 Rivera7 Ethier9 Sands3 Uribe5 Treanor2 HairstonDH

Ted Lilly vs. Barry Zito

Juan Uribe will be in the lineup, despite missing yesterday’s game. We will get our first chance to see Uribe and how much he has slimmed down this season. Loney will sit out this game, and Jerry Sands will get the go at first base batting sixth. We will also get our first look at Matt Treanor behind the plate, and Jerry Hairston will bat ninth and DH.

The pitching match-up has lefty Ted Lilly countering Barry Zito of the Giants. Remember Ted Lilly did not allow a home run in his final seven starts to last season, thanks to help from an improved slider grip he had developed. Let’s hope he can continue to find success keeping the ball in the park.

In other news, Dylan Hernandez of the LA Times  , has announced that the Dodgers have signed all of their pre-arbitration eligible players. For example, such players such as Javy Guerra, and A.J. Ellis are two players who are pre-arb. Guerra will make 488,000, and A.J. Ellis will make 490,000. The major league minimum salary is now at 480,000.

According to Bill Shakin of the LA Times, several media companies are licking their chops, over a potential Dodgers television rights contract. While several shady investors with questionable agendas still remain into the final rounds of bidding. Apparently CBS, MSG network, and Time Warner, are all interested in a new Dodger t.v. deal, which could net the Dodgers billions of Dodgers. The Media outlets are interested in a Dodgers regional sports network. The Angels brokered a new television rights contract, and were able to use that money to sign Albert Pujols, and C.J. Wilson. The Dodgers could do something similar, but McCourt and MLB has to pick a winning bid first. I will be glad when this ownership saga is over, and we can get back to just talking Baseball, instead of auctions, bids, and court proceedings.

Finally here is a nice little player profile written by the guys over at True Blue LA , on third baseman Josh Fields. Check it out and have a read.

We will see you after the game for our post game recap. Remember the game is on at 1205PM on Prime Ticket. Let’s make it two in a row, shall we boys? Go Blue.