Oh great here we go again. We have to listen to this again? I thou..."/> Oh great here we go again. We have to listen to this again? I thou..."/>

Andre Ethier 2012 Dodger Scapegoat-NOT!


Oh great here we go again. We have to listen to this again? I thought we already put these ridiculous rumors to bed weeks ago when they first surfaced. And when I say surfaced I mean, some insider wanted to generate himself page views, exaggerated a rumor that has little to no truth at all to it, and now Ken Rosenthal ran with it. Of course I’m talking about the stupid rumors about the Dodgers shopping Andre Ethier.

Andre Ethier is not being traded.-Gary A. Vasquez-USA TODAY Sports

Look it’s not happening. So deal with it. I understand that some people just don’t like certain players, and that’s fine, but how many times are we going to have to hear about this?

So Mark Feinsand of the New York Daily News, decided to tweet this. 

So Ken Rosenthal sees this and decides to run with this again, putting up another bogus trade Andre Ethier article. Haven’t we been down this road before? The Dodgers only six months ago, renewed Ethier with a five year 85 million dollar contract extension. Ethier posted a triple slash line of .284/.351/.460 hitting 20 home runs, and driving in 89 RBI for the Dodgers in 2012.

Despite Andre Ethier being an all-star right fielder, with like a hundred walk-offs under his belt during his Dodger career, some people just don’t like him. Ethier has become somewhat of a scapegoat for all the Dodger’s problems according to some of the stat kids across other Dodger sites. Because the thought process is, if Ethier had been able to hit lefties, then the Dodgers would have won the World Series or something. I mean it wasn’t the injuries, terrible offense, constant bunting, and four months of Juan Uribe that doomed the Dodgers in 2012. Nah, it was Ethier. Or so the little stat kids would have you believe. Not that Ethier doesn’t have problems, but I digress.

Mike Petriello of MSTI waxes philosohphical on the whole thing. He does make some valid points. Yes Ethier has issues hitting lefty pitching, but I don’t agree that he’ll never hit left handers again. He points out his extreme splits, and at least points out about his ability to crush right handers. Prickly personality? Come on Mike, really?

The one thing I do agree with Petriello about is a platoon partner for Ethier. Why not just get him someone like a Scott Hairston? A perfect platoon guy, who is able to hit lefties, and play all three outfield positions. The thing is there is no one available that is better than Ethier. Swisher is talking to the Indians,

The only other option would be Michael Bourn, and I am against the idea of moving Kemp out of center field. It’s not that I don’t like Swisher, I actually advocated getting him last season. He’s a decent player, but I would rather have Ethier. and so would the fans. So keeping Ethier and throwing a few million at Jhair’s brother is what makes better sense for the Dodgers.

So Rosenthal finally reports that the Dodgers have “zero intention” of trading Ethier, but two American League teams called to ask about him. Just because a couple of teams called to ask about a certain player, doesn’t mean he is getting traded. Many teams call about many players. Discussions are always open, and teams are always willing to listen to offers, it doesn’t mean that the player is getting moved. Jon Heyman also adds that the Dodgers are not shopping Ethier, and have recieved no offers.

Talk about conflicting reports right? Here’s where things get strange, Rosenthal starts to make ridiculous suggestions for the Dodgers to replace Ethier, based on the fact that the Dodgers have so much money it doesn’t matter. However, just because the Dodgers have a ton of cash, doesn’t mean they are going to make foolish moves. The idea that the Dodgers would trade Ethier to get Franklin Gutierrez is very retarded. It’s laughable. Other players Rosenthal suggests are Nick Swisher, and Michael Bourn. First of all Bourne is a center fielder, and no we’re not moving Matt Kemp out of center field. I like Nick Swisher, he’s a solid hitter, with good power from both sides of the plate, but I would rather have Andre Ethier.

And so would the Dodgers. And so would the fans. That’s the reason to point this out. Rosenthal also goes on to write that the Dodgers don’t have a lead-off hitter, and could need someone like Bourne. No the Dodgers do have a lead-off hitter. It’s Carl Crawford. Yes we know Crawford is coming off of Tommy John surgery as Rosenthal points out, but he should be healthy by spring training, and he will be the Dodger’s lead-off hitter and starting left fielder. Remember he’s a position player so his healing time is a lot quicker than what it would be for a pitcher.

Another aspect to these lame rumors is that Ethier is a fan favorite. He has been for many years now. You might disagree, but the Dodgers need a few players that are long time Dodgers that the fans can recognize and cheer for. There are other things at play besides money.

Andre Ethier-Gary A. Vasquez-USA TODAY Sports

Look if you don’t like Andre Ethier that’s fine. I’m not going to hate on you. You can like or dislike any player you want. And if you would like to point out that Ethier has a .238 career batting average against lefties, and only hit .222 in 2012 off of southpaws, then fine. But then I can also point out that Ethier hit .313 with runners in scoring position, .335 with men on base, and hit six home runs in September of 2012. Ethier is a career .290 hitter and two time all-star. He has also won a gold glove in 2011, and a silver slugger for his 2009 season where he hit 31 home runs. He’s a consistent .800-850 OPS per season.  

The hot stove season is crazy. Rumors surface disappear and then resurface again. If you want to hate on Ethier, then fine. If you want to advocate a right handed platoon partner for Ethier ( like a Scott Hairston), then that’s fine. But the Dodgers are not trading him. They just renewed his contract, and the 30 year old right fielder has a career full of walk-offs. I can still remember Ethier’s beautiful home run at Dodger Stadium on opening day that won the game against the Pirates 2-1. His majestic solo shot into the right field pavilions broke a 1-1 tie, and is one of many clutch hits for the all-star right fielder during his Dodger career.

So can we please stop talking about these rumors now? Andre Ethier has provided us with seven years of great memories and clutch hits. There is nobody I trust more in right field then Ethier. It’s not his fault the team missed the playoffs in 2012. I don’t think Ethier will be moved unless a team makes the Dodgers some huge offer they couldn’t refuse. It would have to be a game changer. Andre Ethier probably isn’t going anywhere, so can we move on please? The haters need to stop drinking the hatorade.