International Signing Round-Up

If you have missed the flurry of international pick ups this signing period by the Dodgers, here is a list of some of their acquisitions which hail mostly from the Dominican Republic and Latin America. Bob Engle, the Vice President of International Scouting, along with his colleagues have delved back into the global market this signing period for the Dodgers. The Dodgers were almost nonexistent in international talent signings during the Frank McCourt era, but now that the Dodgers have emerged from their cocoon, the GBM looks to tap into this rich source of potential baseball talent. Unfortunately just as the Dodgers are revamping their international scouting team and player development forces, they must proceed under the rules of the new international amateur signing limit cap which is $2.9 million for all Major League teams. The signing period runs from July 2nd-June 15th.

The newest possible international free agent signing by the Dodgers is of 16-year old Dominican shortstop Carlos Aquino. Although the deal is yet to be official, the switch-hitter has been reportedly signed for $75,000.

So far the Dodgers have signed the following players before Aquino since July 2, 2012:

  • ·         OF Michael Medina (Dominican Republic)
  • ·         OF Deivy Castillo (Dominican Republic)
  • ·         OF Ariel Sandoval (Dominican Republic)
  • ·         SS Ravel Hernandez (Dominican Republic)
  • ·         RHP Miguel Urena  (Dominican Republic)
  • ·         SS Cristian Gomez (Dominican Republic)
  • ·         LHP Julio Urias (Mexico)
  • ·         RHP Lenix Osuna (Mexico)
  • ·         LHP Victor Gonzalez (Mexico)
  • ·         C Julian Leon (Mexico)
  • ·         RHP William Soto (Venezuela)

Some of the bonus amounts haven’t been disclosed, but the Dodgers are probably around the $2 million mark.