San Diego thug San Diego thug

Quentin Drops Suspension Appeal, But Is Dodger Culture Under Attack?


San Diego thug Carlos Quentin, is finally doing something smart. He’s not going to show his face at Dodger Stadium. If the man has any brains at all in his head, he’ll keep a low-profile until the padres leave Los Angeles Wednesday night. Earlier today we got the report that Quentin will drop his appeal and begin serving his eight Game suspension today. Meaning, he will not be playing in the upcoming series against the Dodgers starting Monday night at Dodger Stadium.

Quentin will serve his eight game suspension-Jake Roth-USA TODAY Sports

Quentin received an eight game suspension from Major League Baseball for his cowardly and unprovoked attack on Dodger’s right hander Zack Greinke, during last Thursday’s 3-2 Dodger win at Petco Park. During the bottom of the sixth inning in last Thursday night’s Dodger/Padre game, with the Dodgers leading 2-1, Greinke unintentionally plunked Quentin in the upper arm with a 3-2 pitch. After Quentin starred Greinke down, and after Greinke said something to him, he charged the mound. Quentin charged the mound and collided with Greinke before tackling him to the ground. The incident resulted in a benches clearing brawl which lasted for several minutes. The brutal attack left Greinke with a fractured left collar bone. The former Cy Young winner will be out for eight weeks. Dodger utility man Jerry Hairston Jr also received a one game suspension for his role in the brawl.

With Quentin and San Diego fans unapologetic, I now feel a good healthy hatred for the Padres. If they wanted the rivalry renewed, this was a very bad way to go about doing that. But fine they got it. The truth is, there is a growing jealousy and bitterness coming from down south. The Dodgers are under attack from all across Baseball, but San Diego seems especially bitter. They’re pissed because we have great new ownership that is willing to use their massive wealth and resources to improve the Dodgers. They’re un-happy because their small market team is unable to keep their high price players, and the Dodgers are loaded with a talented roster. They’re upset because they have never won a world series in San Diego, and may not win one for a very very long time. Meanwhile the Dodgers have won five in Los Angeles, and six overall.

Greinke will miss eight weeks because of one thug-Jake Roth-USA TODAY Sports

We’ve become the Yankees of the National League, so it’s natural that there is bound to be some resentment. However this feels contrived and more bitter and hateful than the usual resentment coming from the opposing team’s fan-base. This is different though. This is almost cruel. It’s persecution, and a direct attack on Dodger culture. No more treating San Diego with kid gloves anymore. Those gloves are now off San Diego, you’ve now moved up on our list, right below the Giants. I know I said we shouldn’t blame the entire team for one goon’s mistake, but the majority of their fan base is unapologetic. You’ve gone too far this time San Diego.

If Quentin knows what’s good for him he will stay far away from Dodger Stadium, at least for a while until some of this has some time to cool down. Otherwise there are 56,000 Dodger fans that want revenge. Dodger fans don’t want revenge in any kind of violent sense. Of course not. We want revenge on the Baseball field. The way men are supposed to settle their differences on a Baseball field, by actually playing the game. Perhaps that is something that Carlos Quentin has forgotten all about.