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Trade Rumors:Carlos Marmol


According to Bruce Levine of ESPN Chicago, who first broke the news, the Dodgers and Cubs are in discussions about a trade that would send the 30 year old right handed embattled former Chicago closer, Carlos Marmol to the Dodgers.

Marmol was designated for assignment by the Cubs last week. None of us were pleased to hear news of this potential trade. We’re all sick to death of the Dodgers signing or trading for old Bum relievers who can’t throw strikes nor can get batters out. It’s no secret the Dodgers are looking for relief help. Marmol is in the final year of a three year 20 million dollar contract. The Dodgers would reportedly be responsible for picking up the remainder of his contract, which is about five million dollars, which is chump change for the Dodgers.

You know he’s coming-Scott Rovak-USA TODAY Sports

It’s doubtful the Dodgers would have to give up anything good for Marmol, as he was DFA’d by the Cubs so this could end up being the Dodgers taking on the rest of his salary, and the Cubs saying “here take him!”. Of course that doesn’t inspire confidence in any of us. So who would the Dodgers be bumping from the roster for him? The likely answer would probably be Chris Withrow, who has options. Of course the best option would be a DL stint for Brandon League, and Marmol would take his spot on the roster. This is all conjecture for now though. We don’t know anything yet, and the two teams are just talking. Nothing has been announced and thus far this is only the two clubs working out the details of a possible swap. But at this point it seems more and more likely, the deal is going to happen.

Marmol has pitched in 31 games for the Cubs this season. He’s posted a 2-4 record, with a 5.86 ERA. He’s whiffed 32 and walked 21 in 27.2 innings. Marmol has 117 career saves over eight seasons, all with the Cubs. Marmol has a career 3.50 ERA, and a whiff per nine rate of 11.7. Marmol has a notorious history of control problems. This is obvious looking at his 6.1 career walk per nine rate, which is probably why the Cubs are desperate to unload him. Marmol has a no-trade caluse in his contract, and the Dodgers are one of those teams.

The Dodgers and Cubs are talking trade-Steve Mitchell-USA TODAY Sports

Is this another reclamation project, like that of Brandon League? I hope not. But we know how much the Dodgers love to try and fix broken relievers. So if this is a case, here are some videos below of Marmol’s pitching mechanics. Boy Rick Honeycutt sure has his work cut out for him right? Yeesh.

Here’s a video below of the good Marmol. The guy that can really bring it. Marmol apparently gained more velocity this year, but lost even more control. He can be very good when he throws strikes. The guy can definitely miss bats, but he’s even more wild, and erratic this year then ever.

He was also not allowed to shake off his catchers during his appearances. So apparently the less he thinks the better he pitches. Just rare back and throw Carlos. Good luck with this Ned.