Dear Lasorda's Lairians, Dear Lasorda's Lairians,

Letter From The Editor


Dear Lasorda’s Lairians,

Another season has come and gone. Regretfully this one ended a bit too early for us, but we have witnessed one of the most memorable Dodger seasons in recent memory. I wanted to thank all of our readers for sharing this journey with us as we documented every game of the 162 the Dodgers played this season and the ten postseason games which unfortunately ended with the Dodgers coming up two wins short of a World Series berth. Most of us have waited 25 years for the Dodgers to appear in the World Series again, and we will all have to wait at least 26 for our Blue dream to become a reality.

This season has been a whirlwind, and we couldn’t have made it through without you. Whether you commented on our posts, you read daily or periodically, or if you are brand new, we sincerely thank you. We strive to make Lasorda’s Lair an extension of Scott and I’s life-long love for the Dodgers, and I hope that this is reflected in our writing. This is a fan-based site, so that’s why you may see more opinionated pieces than those from other sports writing outlets. Yet regardless if we share the same opinion all the time, we hope that the one thing we all do have in common is our devotion to the Dodgers.

Like the Dodgers, we are not perfect. Sometimes we make mistakes. We are constantly learning and working on making Lasorda’s Lair the best that it can possibly be. We will continue to write daily this entire offseason right into Spring Training, and we will bring you all the trade rumors, hot stove action, and other Dodgers news along with season reviews and continued analysis.

Going into 2014 we have some great ideas for the new season that we hope will add more dimension to the site. We will continue to chronicle every Dodger game with complete game recaps like we have been doing for the past two years here and previously on our former site Dodger Blue Forever. We will also once again cover Spring Training, and we hope to bring you live coverage from Camelback Ranch. I will also be working on more Dodgers related videos for 2014, and these will be showcased here on LL as well as my YouTube channel DishingUpTheDodgers.We will expand our minor league coverage, and we will also work on bringing you more podcasts, interviews, giveaways, and of course fun and humorous posts as well.

As always, feel free to drop us suggestions on what topics or areas you would like to see covered here on LL. I love getting input and ideas from you! You can suggest them via the comment sections, or you can email us directly (, or you can find us on Twitter or Facebook. Let us know if there’s a specific player you want in a future Blue Bios piece, a certain topic of discussion for a possible post, or if you feel inclined we occasionally accept guests posts as well.

Once again, thank you for all your support and your readership. Here’s to an exciting offseason and a World Championship in 2014.

Go Blue!

Stacie Wheeler- Editor, Lasorda’s Lair