Would You Sign A Petition To Rename Dodger Stadium After Vin Scully?

That’s what one man is trying to accomplish, and who knows, he may get his wish one day soon. Naming a stadium after someone could be considered the ultimate honour. Ebbets Field was named after former Dodger owner and pioneer Charles Ebbets. How would you feel about Dodger Stadium being renamed after the legendary Vin Scully?

I am vehemently against renaming Dodger Stadium in any way. Certainly the powers that be have probably considered renaming it something like Timewarner Field at Chavez Ravine, or Sportsnet Park at Dodger’s Field, or some other ugly variation of the naming rights to Dodger Stadium. As you know, I am a huge proponent of preserving and protecting Dodger tradition at all costs. I do not believe in renaming Dodger Stadium ever. Upholding the traditions of the Dodger way means continuing to call Dodger Stadium by the same name that we have since it opened in 1962.

Vin Scully-Richard Mackson-USA TODAY Sports

However if the powers that be do choose to rename it, the logical choice would be to name it after the greatest broadcaster in the history of sports, our very own Vin Scully. Our legendary announcer is entering his 65th season with the Dodger organization, and what better way to honour him than that?

Of course the press box was renamed after him a few years ago. The Vin Scully press box is a fine way to honour the craft of the man with the most beautiful voice in sports. Perhaps the next best step is to dedicate the name of Dodger Stadium to him.

That’s what Colin James Pond and a few others on Facebook believe should happen. Colin and his friends have created a Facebook page, and a website dedicated to renaming Dodger Stadium “Vinscullystadium”.

The website aptly named Vinscullystadium.com, also sells t-shirts with his website name on the front, and the number 65 on the back. The number 65 represents the number of years Vin has blessed us all with his beautiful voice. The shirts are ironically called “Dedicated Shirts”, to commemorate the dedication of Vin to his craft of Announcing Dodger games.

Colin also has posted a petition on the site, in hopes to get enough signatures to change the name of Dodger Stadium after our favorite hall of fame broadcaster.

Check out the site, purchase a t-shirt, and perhaps sign the petition. Who knows, one day soon we may be calling Chavez Ravine Vin Scullly Ravine, or something to that effect. That is the only other name I would ever be willing to call our beloved Dodger Stadium. The only question is what would Vin think of this?
