Paul Maholm’s contract point system? I..."/> Paul Maholm’s contract point system? I..."/>

Figuring Out Paul Maholm’s Contract Incentives


Can anyone figure out Paul Maholm’s contract point system? It’s about as interesting as figuring out the scoring system in Tennis. The veteran left-hander’s incentive laden contract has an interesting point system that I’ve never seen before. No it’s not like scoring points in Super Mario Brothers, or whatever your favorite video game is. (Super Mario Brothers? Geez, I’m getting old) I’m sure you haven’t seen it before either, so let me break it down for you.

Maholm’s base salary is 1.5 million, but he can earn up to an additional five million dollars by earning these points I described above. Apparently, he would earn two points for each start, 1.5 points for every relief appearance of two or more innings, and one point for an appearance of less than two innings. He can earn the full five million dollars by reaching 60 points. If Maholm were to make 26 starts, that would earn him 52 points, and 3.5 million. I shrug my shoulders at all of this.

If Maholm gets a lot of points, he’ll get paid-Jerry Lai-USA TODAY Sports

So this means Maholm could earn a grand total of 6.5 million dollars if he collects enough incentive points. Fun, fun, fun. Why is it I still can’t shake the feeling that the Dodgers should have retained Chris Capuano?

Oh and another interesting note, Josh Beckett may not be done yet. Apparently he’s in camp now, and throwing bullpen sessions with the rest of the pitchers. Manager Don Mattingly has said that the two will be competing for the fifth spot in spring training. Mattingly basically said that if Beckett is healthy, Maholm could be pitching out of the bullpen, or one of the men could be pitching in relief. This brings me back to my original point that Beckett may not be completely cooked after all. We’re hearing through the grapevine that Beckett may be able to return to big league action once the club returns from Australia.

Regardless, I still like Stephen Fife better than either of these guys. Team Fife all the way.