Have Faith in Miguel Olivo

Miguel Olivo, who was called in time for the Minnesota series, is a big boost to club because one, Olivo is a well liked player in the clubhouse. Two, Olivo can actually help the team make their run for the playoffs this season with his bat. Regardless of what happened between Olivo and the Miami Marlins is in the past. The 35-year-old is getting a fresh start with the Dodgers and he was definitely deserving of a call up after posting a .390 batting average at Triple-A.

Now, I know a lot of people don’t like Olivo for his defense behind the plate, but fans can  overlook his inconsistencies for his bat. In his career, his overall batting average isn’t that impressive, but take into account, playing catcher is very tiring.  A starting catcher has to catch on his knees for nine innings majority of the games out of 162 games. Knee problems tend to get to catcher as it did for A.J. Ellis. Ellis is currently on the D.L. and there isn’t a clear timetable when Ellis will be back, but having Olivo and his bat in the lineup in the meantime, will definitely help the team with the offense side of the plate over Federowicz.

Olivo, had his first start last night behind the dish in the first game of the double-header against the Minnesota Twins and was 2-3 with two rbi’s and  scored one run. Olivo has done more in one game than Tim Federowicz in the time that Fedex was with the Dodgers. Fedex might have been trying too hard, but as much as Fedex glove is valued. The Dodgers need more run support from their catchers. So Dodgers call up Olivo and he delivered.

Credit: Jesse Johnson-USA TODAY Sports

Will Olivo stay for whole season? I’m not sure. It is unknown whether Olivo would be in the Dodger’s plans for the whole season. If Olivo keeps  up the production, then he will find a spot on the team for the rest of the season. The Dodgers highly value Drew Butera’s glove behind the plate, but If it were up to me, as much I love Butera’s glove, I think I would keep Olivo ahead of Butera, in terms of adding power bats to the bench. A team can never complain on having a lot of power bats on the bench. It would give the team more challenges for the opponents in late innings pinch hit situations.

I have the confidence that Miguel Olivo can stick with the Dodgers, if he gets enough playing time during his time in LA. Olivo has my vote to stay with the Dodgers in my opinion.