It’s been a long journey for Dodgers’ slugger Joc Pederson between his 2015 Derby debut and his return to the Derby in 2019. Tonight he will look to win the HR derby.
It’s 2019 and Joc Pederson is back in the Home Run Derby. It may seem obvious to many Dodger fans that he should be in based on his powerful stroke this season, but just think back to just last season at the All-Star break, or two seasons ago, or three and you’ll realize just how improbable his return to the Derby really is.
It’s been four years since “Joc Pop” was the Dodgers representative in the Home Run Derby for the 2015 All-Star Weekend. And he put on a show. Pederson lost in the finals on a walk-off of sorts by the hometown hero Todd Frazier, but only after blasting 14 home runs in a single round and finishing neck and neck with one of the game’s premier power hitters at the time in Frazer.
Over those four years a lot has happened to Pederson’s perception and performance, so to honor our beloved Pederson’s return to the Derby, I decided to dive into his career’s ups and downs to demonstrate just how much the baby-faced slugger has overcome.