If the 2020 MLB season is ultimately canceled, which Los Angeles Dodgers players have the most to lose?
It’s hard to feel confidant about the 2020 baseball season, even though it appears MLB owners are pushing negotiations to the absolute deadline before striking any possible deal. You probably feel even less confidant as a Los Angeles Dodgers fan who is used to having peculiar events, such as the Astros sign-stealing, get in the way of championship aspirations.
As it stands now, the players are asking when and where they should report to play, while a small group of owners rather skip the entire season. It’s frustrating to think about the millions of people – from players to fans to stadium workers to media to everyone attached to the game – who are impacted by 8-9 owners who rather blow up the entire sport than potentially lose a few million dollars on a multi-billion dollar investment.
While everyone is upset with the way negotiations are going, there are a few Dodger players who have a little extra to lose if the season is ultimately canceled.
Players will receive service time, whether games are played or not, which helps push them closer to free agency. But there are considerations other than service time to take into account when thinking about which players have the most at stake if the 2020 season is lost.
Let’s look at four Dodgers who have the most to lose from a canceled season.