MLB insider lays out potential trade deadline plan for Dodgers, but questions remain

Los Angeles Dodgers v New York Mets - Game One
Los Angeles Dodgers v New York Mets - Game One / Adam Hunger/GettyImages

With less than 50 days to go before the trade deadline, the Dodgers should be gearing up to make some big changes and head into the second half of the season with some glaring issues from the first half resolved. Among them: the bullpen has righted itself significantly since April, but could still use some more help; the bottom of the lineup and bench aren't producing at the plate; and then there's the Gavin Lux/Mookie Betts second base/shortstop situation that's become ever more difficult to parse as the season's gone on.

The Dodgers will by no means be engaging in the same kind of high-priced culling that the White Sox and Marlins seem to be barreling toward, but there are some names on the roster who should already be afraid about their futures with the organization.

Ken Rosenthal had a clear plan for how he thought the Dodgers were going to attack the deadline, including finding more relievers, adding to the outfield, and resolving whatever mess has been happening in the middle infield. He also dropped a few names that the Dodgers could have their eye on to fix the last problem.

Ken Rosenthal expects Dodgers to make chase of Willy Adames, Bo Bichette to take over at shortstop at trade deadline

Adames has been a prized target for the Dodgers for a long time, and it's likely they'll at least call the Brewers to see what kind of deal they could make, despite Milwaukee being comfortably at the top of the NL Central and the only team in the entire division with a winning record. Bichette has also been connected to the Dodgers a few times already, while the Blue Jays sit at fourth place and .485 in the AL East, but his bat has been leaving a lot to be desired this season and he's never been an elite defensive player.

The Dodgers chasing a replacement shortstop for Betts would require them to agree that it hasn't been working out for him there, which no one seems to be willing to own at the moment. Hopefully, the allegiance to the position switch has been for the benefit of the fans (who can all see through that anyway, but we digress) and the Dodgers are exploring other options to get Lux out of LA and either move Betts back to second or to the outfield.
