Ramona Shelburne of ESPN Interviews Ned Colletti

Finally the guy who may or may not be making the key baseball operations this off-season is heard from. Ramona Shelburne of ESPN.com tracked down Dodgers G.M. Ned Colletti and got some interesting analysis.

Ned on ownership:

“Yeah, well, whatever,” Colletti said, dismissing my question about the team’s ownership situation. “What am I going to do about that? Should I sit here and worry about that right now?“I have enough things to spend my time focusing on without worrying about things I have no control over. You’re trying to get me to be very philosophical here.”

Philosophical? Really Ned?

On potential off-season moves, considering Kemp, Ethier and Loney are all under control.

“The way we finished,” Colletti said, “it leaves you with a pretty good feel, which may allow us to be more flexible acquisition-wise — whether it’s free agent-wise or via a trade — because we sense we can go younger at a few positions with guys that have shown they have a chance to play at this level right now.“If you can do that, as you balance out your roster and balance out your finances, you’ve got a chance to do some other things.”

Let’s hope when he says younger he means actually batting Dee Gordon and Jerry Sands 1 and 2, and not trading them. But let’s just hope Ned doesn’t go Andruw or Schmidt and instead gets the Dodgers a third-basemen, like say Aramis Ramirez? How nice would it have been to have actually kept Adrian Beltre the last 8 years?

Let’s pray to the great Dodger in the sky Matt Kemp doesn’t suffer the same fate.